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Curriculum Tools
Common Core Resources
America Achieves

Lessons, videos, and resources for Common Core based education as well as links to other websites.


This site contains links to multiple other sites where you may find resources for Common Core implementation. These links are meant for teachers and directly relate to applicable materials which may be used in the classroom for lessons and long term planning.

Inside Mathematics

This site offers videos of the 8 Mathematics Tasks in occurring in real classrooms at every grade level.  In addition there are lesson and unit planning resources for all grade levels. 

Mathematics Resources

Resources aligned specifically to Common Core for use in the Mathematics classroom. 

New York State Department of Education

The New York State Department of Education website to support Common Core implementation throughout English, Math, and College & Career Ready instruction. Resources for classroom use, planning, and questions regarding the shift in instructional practices, along with videos to demonstrate lessons in action and provide answers to popular questions.

Oklahoma State Department of Education

The Oklahoma State Department of Education website with resources to support Common Core implementation. This site has more videos than actual resources for classroom use.


Items samplars of assessment style questions aligned to the Common Core along with lesson activities and implementation guides for the transition from state standards to Common Core.

PARCC-Item and Tasks

Items and tasks samplar specific to the Common Core.

PDE Standards Aligned System (SAS)

The PDE SAS website with links to all items Common Core related throughout the Pennsylvania.

St. Clair County Michigan School Resources

A toolkit of resources from St. Clair County Michigan for implementation of Common Core. The resources contain lesson materials and sample videos of specific lessons occurring in the classroom.

Curriculum Links

OnHandsSchools: EdInsight


Standards Aligned System (SAS)